Your roommate hates you because you are more knowledgeable than he is. In that case, instead of And into the book store I go to lose my mind and find my soul shirt, turn your knowledge into your advantage. Knowledge increases by sharing. Ask your roommate whether he/she needs your assistance. I’m sure if not anything, you can surely strengthen your knowledge. If your roommate continues to be the jerk he’s/she’s always been, the least you can do is live and let live. I cannot stress enough how essential it is for you to be a good sport in this game. It’s comically easy to get pissed at League. When this happens the best thing to do is not to scream belittlements at your team or hurl your computer out the window, but take it in stride. Before you say something or do something, ask yourself “Would I want this person on my team?” If the answer is no, just say no. Simple as that. There are enough toxic asshats on LoL, we don’t need anymore, thanks.📷