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Rick Sanchez Kamehameha Toilet Paper shirt

I’m not the person to settle the Rick Sanchez Kamehameha Toilet Paper shirt. I’m American but was raised in Europe. I call jelly jam. Unless I refer to the food itself, Then I say Peanut butter and jelly. I’m a dumb mutt. I had to look up the difference, my son wanted to try it. I made it with jam. The difference between I believe is jam is made with the whole fruit and jelly is made with the juice. I know. not a dad, but a lover of dad jokes. I’m an Englishman, and I like peanut butter and black currant jam sandwiches, on toast, and on crumpets. I’ll have one from time to time, but our jam is not as disgusting as yours. I have also had a proper American jar of pb&j brought over by an exchange student. Very sweet and not very good peanut butter.


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